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Melbourne - North East
My little family will be away for three weeks over Christmas visiting the in-laws in Britain and our scaredy cat (Midnight) will not cope with being put in a cattery. We previously had someone arranged to look after Midnight but sadly that has fallen through. Would you like to help out?
Our place is 3 bedrooms + study, includes a big backyard and plenty of space. We're located just a stone's throw from the wetlands and Edwardes Lake Park in Reservoir, which makes for a great escape to go walking/running/cycling, or simply hang out. Also around the corner from La Sirene, if that's your thing.
The main things we'd ask of our housesitter is to feed Midnight and keep her company (and perhaps let her outside for a bit while you're in), collect mail, put bins out, water the garden as necessary and generally just have a presence at the property so it's not sitting vacant. We wouldn't expect anyone to be here 24/7, or even every night, just as long as they were here most nights for Midnight, but open to negotiation of course.
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